Crown Lengthening: Purpose and Procedure

For years, periodontists have used the crown lengthening surgery to improve the outcome of various dental procedures and to improve a patient’s overall dental health. To improve access to a cavity or a fracture that has spread below the gumline, the procedure can be used to expose more of the tooth structure. This enables the dentist to visualize more of the area that must be treated.

For patients who have difficulty accessing portions of the teeth that may be concealed by gum tissue, crown lengthening is an effective way to remove excess gum tissue. With a better view of the entire tooth, brushing and flossing can be performed more thoroughly. 

For patients who have difficulty accessing portions of the teeth that may be concealed by gum tissue, crown lengthening is an effective way to remove excess gum tissue.

Today, crown lengthening is seen as an extremely useful component of cosmetic dental surgery. The procedure is used to reduce the amount of gum tissue (and sometimes, small amounts of bone as well) that is visible in the smile, effectively making the teeth appear longer.

Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of a smile that seems too “gummy” and those who feel that the teeth appear too small may be especially interested in crown lengthening. Sometimes, this procedure may also be recommended to prepare a more ideal foundation for cosmetic restorations such as porcelain crowns and veneers.

To reduce the height of the gum tissue and bone, the tissues will be numbed with local anesthesia in the dental office. The periodontist will use precision instruments to carefully sculpt the gumline, revealing more tooth structure. Once the surgery has been completed the area may require sutures or a periodontal dressing. To promote healing, you will receive instructions for cleaning and protecting the surgical site.

Crown lengthening (also referred to as a gum lift) is a cosmetic dental surgery that can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of your smile and enhance the outcome of your dental restorations. To find out if this procedure is right for you, call our office at 212-756-8890 for your consultation.

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