Releiving the Pain at Umansky Chiropractic

ChiropracticsOne thing that nearly every single person will experience at least once in their lifetime is a cavity or other form of oral health issue. Here in New York, NY dental implant providers Drs. Karabin and Gottesman are no strangers to the frequency with which oral health issues present themselves in the lives of everyday people. However, there is another common ailment that plagues the majority of the adult population across the world and that ailment is back pain.

Bearing the above statement in mind, and due to hearing a number of our patients come in recently and talk about back pain that has been bothering them, we have decided to take a momentary break from our normally dental themed articles and write one about back pain and the best place to get it resolved right here in town.

Let’s take a closer look.

Pack Pain and Where to Solve It Here in New York

According to the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Lower back pain in the single leading cause of disability on a worldwide scale. It is also the most common reason people call in sick to work. Leading experts on back pain statistics estimate that at least eighty percent of the population will admit to experiencing back pain at least once each and every year.

Drs. Karabin and Gottesman, as well as the rest of their staff here at Perio NYC, are no strangers to back pain themselves. After all, most of the day we are sitting on stools with our backs bent over and looking into people’s mouths. We love what we do, but it isn’t easy on our backs. It got to a certain point where we decided something needed to be done and that is when we found Dr. Regina Umansky.

Dr. Umansky received a D.C degree -Doctor of Chiropractic from Logan College of Chiropractic in ST. Louis. She graduated with a distinction of Magnum Cum Laude from Logan in 2003 and then started her own private practice here in Manhattan back in 2004. Since then Dr. Umansky has been helping people overcome various issues including, but not limited to;

  • Headaches/ migraines
  • Herniated/ bulging disc
  • Neck Pain and Low back pain
  • Sciatica/ Nerve disorders
  • Leg and Arm Pain ” Pins and needles”
  • Shoulder Pain/Sports injuries
  • Vertigo ” spinning” feeling
  • Chronic fatigue Syndrome
  • Anxiety/ Stress disorders/ Depression
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Pregnancy aches and Pains

However, you do not need to have a serious pain issue to go and see Dr. Umansky. The great thing about this practice is that Dr. Umansky can actually help you prevent back pain once you have stopped having it with

  • Spinal adjustment
  • Mechanical Traction
  • Corrective exercise programs
  • Physical Therapy
  • Weight loss/ lifestyle coaching
  • Trigger Point work
  • Orthotics
  • Spinal screenings and educational lectures

We hope to see you soon at Dr. Umansky Chiropractic soon! Make sure that you let the front desk know that Drs. Karabin and Gottesman sent you.

Until next time readers, stay healthy and keep smiling.


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